Calling All Members
Be a Docent!
Are you a sociable person? If so, the Museum needs your help as a docent. People are needed who are willing to donate a few hours once a month assisting visitors understand the Museum and the railroad history of the Central Coast. If you are interested please contact Diane Marchetti at 805-602-2864, or send an email to

Ken Green has been named our 2022 Docent of the Year. Ken has been a consistent and flexible guide for visitors to the model railroad display. At 10:00 o'clock the admission door to the CCMR model room flew open and in ran a little girl hands flying everywhere touching a whole new world. "How many fingers do you have?" followed by, when her hands were held up showing all ten, "You know what else fingers are good for? They are good for not touching the layout or the models." So began one morning of our 2022 docent of the year Ken Green. In addition to his tact and sense of humor, Ken has proven to be a responsible and thorough member of the Museum's volunteer group -- qualities greatly appreciated and depended upon by the rest of the docents and coordinating staff.

Paul Edwards is our 2021 Docent of the Year. Paul builds scenery and regularly introduces visitors to the Pacific Coast Railway section of the model railroad. He cheerfully makes local history come alive.

Howard Amborn: With the Freighthouse closed since March 2020 there has not been much for the regular docents to do. But outdoor work has continued. And Howard has been a regular outdoor worker, helping with Pullman car La Cuesta, our Plymouth locomotive, the Southern Pacific boxcar, and various tasks in Emily Street Yard. Howard is on the right in the photo.

Charlie Davies was named Docent of the Year, in recognition of his consistent presence each Saturday (and his providing pastry for his fellow docents). Charlie also brings technical expertise in electronics and telegraphy. Photos...

David Weisman was recognized for his many contributions, especially his onboard commentaries during the Museum's wine-rail excursions.

Bob Wilson was recognized for his service to the Museum, which has included helping to restore our bay window caboose, being its regular docent, and providing an interactive model train display during the fall railroad festival.
Docent of the Year 2016